Topic: WHAT ARE YOU KNOWN FOR? – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 26 March 2020

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“(Barnabas) was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.” – Acts 11:24

March 26, 2020

Answer the following questions honestly: What are you known for? What do you want to be known for? Is there a disconnect between the two?  Because it’s our everyday decisions that determine how these questions are answered.

In the early church, Barnabas was well-known as a respected leader and also known for his ability to encourage others. In Acts 11, he’s described as an overall good man. But, what does that mean, exactly?

A good person is one who’s trustworthy and strong; one who does the right thing and whose character is above reproach. They respond with compassion and kindness, even in the most trying of circumstances, and put the needs of others before their own.  What better compliment could anyone receive than to be known as a good person? Our world could certainly use more good people these days, don’t you think?

So how did Barnabas come to be such a kind, generous, and good person? He was filled with the Holy Spirit. It wasn’t just his natural temperament and determination that made Barnabas such a good person, but the filling of the Holy Spirit that slowly transformed his life.  Now, this is incredible news for anyone who, like me, has ever fallen short when it comes to how we live and love others. You see, when a person comes to faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit begins to transform their hearts and lives to become more like Jesus in spirit, in character, and in life’s mission. In other words, as we walk in faith with Jesus, He helps us to live and love others in ways that are often very counter-cultural.  With the help of the Holy Spirit, our lives can point others to God.

So, what are you known for? When people think of your life, do they say, “he or she is a good person”? Through faith in Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit – God can make anyone truly good.

As the world continues to navigate life during this global pandemic, ask yourself what you want to be known for when this crisis is finally behind us? When the news or uncertainty sparks fear, turn to God. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide in every decision – no matter how big or small.  In this way, may Jesus followers around the world be known as a beacon of hope during this uncertain time.

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