Topic:  What Drives My Actions? – Daily Treasure devotionals – 31 December 2021 

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A Pilgrimage Fueled by Hope: What Drives My Actions?

by Sharon W. Betters


All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV

What structures are you intentionally building into your daily life that will act as weight-bearing walls when life crashes down on your shoulders? Through what grid do you push the circumstances of your daily life and unexpected crises? What informs your worldview? 

Also Read: Open Heaven 31 December 2021 –Topic: PRAYERS FOR 2022 


Sometimes we mindlessly obey rules with little thought as to why they are in place or how they protect us. How many times have we yelled because of too many red lights or slow speed limits, with no thought to how such rules are fences that not only protect us but also protect others? We forget the blessings of traffic rules!

Similarly, our moaning about how we “should read the Bible more” reveals that we haven’t captured the truth that Scripture is the roadmap for all of life. We see a rule rather than an invitation to experience the great treasure of intimately knowing Jesus through His Word. If we believed a book held the key to purpose and peace in a messy world, wouldn’t we eagerly search its pages in order to unlock those secrets? Actually, millions prove my point. Just check the bestselling book list where you will discover numerous books that promise to unlock the secrets of success in this pressure-cooker world. We are looking for answers, but perhaps in all the wrong places, unless we consider carefully the invitation of the Psalmist to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” Where do we find this banquet table? God’s Word that is profitable for teaching, training, and correction in righteousness. What a beautiful enticement to dig deep into the Bible!

Yesterday we read Jesus’ words that in this world we will have trouble, but we do not need to be fearful or discouraged when those troubles come because He has overcome the world. If Jesus’ words are true, where do we find His strength, His peace, and His courage when “life happens”? 

Take time to soak up the promise of Today’s Treasure, 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Are you struggling to walk by faith in the pathway God has marked out for you? God has breathed life into the Scriptures and they become a roadmap that is uniquely designed to guide our steps. In them, we find directions that equip us for every good work assigned by God to us. 

Write out each gift God gives us in Today’s Treasure and how each one is a gift of love, that helps guide us on our pilgrimage Home




Training in Righteousness

Now, write out God’s purpose in giving us these gifts in Scripture. Spend time in prayer, asking the Lord to open your heart to the priceless value of pushing all of life through the grid of Scripture. 

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