Topic: What Is Your Testimony On Earth? [Seeds of Destiny 12 October 2019 Devotional] -

Topic: What Is Your Testimony On Earth? [Seeds of Destiny 12 October 2019 Devotional]

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Your testimony on earth is crucial to your destination at the end

SCRIPTURE: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Your testimony on earth is crucial to your destination at the end

Today, our study is in the form of a question, ‘What is your testimony on earth’? Life is accompanied and evidenced by testimonies. Concerning Samuel for instance, the Bible says:

Also Read: Open Heaven 12 October 2019 – Foundational Problems

Samuel said… Whose ox have I taken? Whose donkey have I taken? Whom have I cheated? Whom have I oppressed? From whose hand have I accepted a bribe to make me shut my eyes? … “You have not cheated or oppressed us,” they replied. “You have not taken anything from anyone’s hand”.1 Samuel 12: 3-4. (NIV)

Incredible! What a testimony!

Beloved, what God says about you and what men say about you are significant to your life and destiny in time and in eternity. Your testimony on earth is crucial to your destination at the end. As a boss, how do you treat people? As a husband, how do you treat your wife? As a wife, how do you treat your husband? As a public office holder or a CEO of a company, how do you treat the people who work for you? Do you deprive them of their salaries and entitlements; do you divert their allowances to your pocket? As an employee, do you do a shabby or mediocre work because you think it is not your private business? Madam, how do you treat your house girl or house boy? Is he or she an object of hate or you care for them the same way you care for your children?

The truth is, if the people around you do not think you are a Christian, then, you are not. Be good to people; sow the seed of good deeds in the lives of people, and you will reap the harvest of it in time and in eternity.

REMEMBER THIS: Your testimony on earth is crucial to your destination at the end.


  1. Be conscious and cautious of how you treat people in life.
  2. Make up your mind to maintain a positive testimony before God and men.
  3. You may not be able to please everybody but ensure your conscience is clear and clean as regards how you deal with people.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask for Your mercy wherever I might have treated people wrongly in time past. I receive the grace to be fair, unbiased and just in my relationship with the people who come in contact with me Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: Who you are looking at may be who you are looking for; treat people well equally. Culled from 365 Wisdom Capsules by Dr Paul Enenche

AMAZING FACT: Koalas have finger prints like humans; they are the only animals except the primates (apes and humans) who have finger prints.

DAILY READING: Jer. 19: 1 to 21: 14, 1Thes 5: 4 to 28, Ps. 82: 1 to 8, Prov. 25:9 to 10

For further Understanding, get this message: What will you do?

DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: The Anointing Service tomorrow in any of the 3 services (6:00am, 8:00am and 10:00am) at the Glory Dome. Invite your friends and loved ones. God bless you as you come.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive the grace to walk like the Master in dealing with people in Jesus’ Name.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities

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