Topic: What it means for Christ to live in you – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 29 June 2020

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Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.           ​–Colossians 3:16I remember it like it was yesterday – moving our oldest child into his college dorm. It was such an emotional experience. Prior to that time I got some time to sit down with him and just talk about the future.So I told him, “I want to give you a little word of counsel as your father because you’re going to be on your own; you’re going to be making choices separate from your parents now. And although you’ve had a lot of liberty and independence, you’re going to have greater independence than you have ever had.”So I gave him today’s Scripture and I talked about how our faith has to be more to us than just a religion, but a personal relationship with God. And the key to not just maintaining but strengthening your faith in these formative years, is to allow God’s Word to become such an integral part of who you are that it actually resides inside you.Over and over again, the Scripture teaches that when you come to Christ, it is no longer your life, but Christ living in you. Christianity is not behavior modification, but rather it is spiritual transformation of the inner life. So that whatever you do, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who lives in and through you!REAL LIFE ISN’T FOUND IN RELIGION, BUT IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST. SO AS CHRIST DWELLS IN YOU, ALLOW HIM TO EXPRESS HIMSELF THROUGH YOU!

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