Topic: WHAT LEGACY WILL YOUR LIFE LEAVE BEHIND? – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 14 November 2020 -

Topic: WHAT LEGACY WILL YOUR LIFE LEAVE BEHIND? – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 14 November 2020

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“…for he was a faithful man and feared God more than many.” – Nehemiah 7:2

November 14, 2020

As you think of the future, what will you leave behind? In terms of inheritance, will it be stocks and bonds? Property? An impressive, investment-worthy art collection? As important as planning for the future is, there is one aspect that so many fail to recognize. Every day, you’re creating a legacy that will live well beyond your death. More than any physical riches you pass onto others, it’s your character that will linger long after your life on earth has ended. So, the question to ask yourself is this: what story will your character tell?

“Unquestionable character” is one of the greatest gifts that we can leave our heirs. And yet, in the focused pursuit of amassing financial wealth, far too many fail to develop honesty, responsibility, compassion, or love for God and their fellow man into the lives of their kids.

If you want to leave behind a legacy of strong character, it starts with you. The way you live is the best example, because character is more easily “caught” than “taught.” You can’t leave a greater gift than teaching the next generation how to live with integrity and unquestionable character.

Wouldn’t you like to know that your life will be remembered for more than money? What a legacy to have our kids reflect on our lives and say, “My Mom and Dad kept God in the center of our family life and it showed. They are the finest people I’ve ever known.”

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