Topic: WHAT’S YOUR GOD STORY? – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 23 OCTOBER 2020

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“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8


October 23, 2020

“Why doesn’t God perform miracles today?” It’s a question I am often asked, and one I want to help you understand the answer to.

In the Biblical days of the journey of faith, God brought about a large number of miracles to jump-start the people’s faith. And while it’s true that He did perform miracles for His people long ago, I have good news for you. His miracles never stopped. It’s true that God hasn’t parted the Red Sea in a while, but we can all point to experiences in our lives that can only be explained as God.

Let’s try something: This time, YOU write the devotional. Write to us at about a miracle you’ve witnessed or experienced. Keep the email and return to it regularly over the next year. Revisit it often to remind yourself how God moved powerfully in your past and to help identify what God is doing in your life currently.

It’s in these dark and bleak days, that we all need a reminder that God is still in the business of miracles! What’s your God story?

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