Topic: When God Gives You a Second Chance, Seize It [RICK WARREN Devotional 5 August 2020]

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When God Gives You a Second Chance, Seize It

“Since we are God’s coworkers, we urge you not to let God’s kindness be wasted on you.”

2 Corinthians 6:1 (GW)When God gives you another chance to fulfill your mission in life, seize it. Don’t waste it. That’s the time to focus on God’s unique calling for your life.

Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 6:1, “Since we are God’s coworkers, we urge you not to let God’s kindness be wasted on you” (GW). God’s done so much for you. He’s forgiven your sins. He’s given you more than one second chance.

He will give you another opportunity to serve him.

Take a look at Paul. He was killing Christians because he thought they were heretics who were following a dead and disgraced leader.

But then Jesus confronted Paul on the road to Damascus—and offered him a second chance to fulfill his real mission on earth. Paul accepted his assignment and did a 180-degree turn—and he never forgot the second chance God gave him.

Later in his ministry, Paul said: “I don’t care about my own life. The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me—to tell people the Good News about God’s grace” (Acts 20:24 NCV).

Because Paul was so grateful God was using him, nothing else mattered to him.

No matter how badly you’ve messed up, God hasn’t changed your mission. Maybe you’ve started to drift just a little bit. God still hasn’t changed your mission.

So get onto it. Get started today. When God gives you another chance, don’t delay—obey.

God’s second chances reflect his grace and his love for you.

  • Have you delayed obeying God in any specific area? Can you explain why?
  • What is preventing you from seizing the opportunity to do what God has called you to do?
  • Who can be an accountability and prayer partner for you as you pursue God’s calling for you?

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