Topic: When life seems out of control – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 11 August 2020

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For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
–Romans 8:29
If your life seems out of control today, you’re not alone. We all have problems!
What the old adage says is true: You are either going into a problem, coming out of a problem, or right in the middle of a problem. Where are you?
But the good news is that Jesus has promised peace in the midst of our problems.
So how can you find confidence in the midst of trouble?
Realize that the circumstances of your life—both the good and the bad—are part of God’s plan for your life.
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you belong to God. He is committed to you and has established a purpose for your life. Because of that, you can be confident that God is putting everything together piece by piece.
And, remember that there are no accidents! God is using the circumstances of your life to conform and change your inner character to be more Christ-like.
So you may not be able to change the circumstances of your life, but you can change how you view them. Don’t see them as enemies, obstacles, or barriers. And don’t let your circumstances devour you!
See your problems as opportunities to experience God’s love and power in a greater way than ever before.

You belong to God; He is committed to you, and has established a purpose for your life.

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