Topic: When Resentment Melts [David Jeremiah Devotional September 6 2019 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released him, and forgave him the debt.
Matthew 18:27

 Recommended Reading: Matthew 18:21-35

President Herbert Hoover was largely raised by his uncle, who taught him many things but was an austere man without much affection. For years, Hoover resented him. But when the President heard his uncle was dying, he had a sudden change of heart. His biographer wrote, “The bitterness he felt at having been a chore-laden outsider in his uncle’s home, the resentment he had nursed over the great taskmaster’s discipline, simply melted away.” Hoover sent a warm message to his uncle and later issued a statement to the press, saying that his uncle had, in fact, been “my second father.” He afterward looked at the man with appreciation.1

We often experience hurt feelings and resentment. But when God gives us a dose of compassion, it’s remarkable how quickly the resentment can melt away. People who have carried grudges for years often find them disappearing in light of a tragedy or sadness or moment of human need. Jesus taught us to have compassion on each other because of God’s compassion on us. He is gentle toward all He has made.

Are you holding a grudge? Try looking at that person with the compassion Jesus has shown to you.

Brains can argue, but it takes heart to comfort.
Samuel Chadwick

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