Topic: When Satan Hinders [David Jeremiah Ministry 16 July 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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When Satan Hinders

JULY 16, 2021

Therefore we wanted to come to you—even I, Paul, time and again—but Satan hindered us.
1 Thessalonians 2:18

 Recommended Reading: Acts 17:1-9

In Paul’s day, Thessalonica boasted a population of more than one hundred thousand. It was a busy harbor and a crossroad for land routes. Paul poured himself into starting a church there, but he was prematurely driven away by a combined force of Jewish critics and government officials (Acts 17:5-9). The apostle had been unable to retrace his steps and gain reentry to the city. The young believers at Thessalonica had questions, but Paul had to resort to writing epistles instead of making personal visits. 

He blamed Satan! Commentator Knute Larson wrote, “Paul viewed anything which opposed the work of Christ as spiritual warfare.”

What is hindering the advance of the Gospel in your life or in your church or in your community? Behind all the opposition is the hand of Satan. We can acknowledge Satan’s interference, but let’s keep our eyes on Christ and maintain the fight. Paul’s epistles have encouraged believers for nearly two thousand years. Satan thought he was silencing Paul, but he only gave the apostle a more lasting voice. Don’t be bullied by the devil. We’re on the winning side.

If God were not my friend, Satan would not be so much my enemy.
Thomas Brooks


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Isaiah 4 – 8

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