Topic: Behind My Questions - Daily Treasure devotionals - 13 July    2022 -

Topic:  Behind My Questions – Daily Treasure devotionals – 13 July    2022

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Behind My Questions

Marie Monville, Guest Writer


The Lord is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18).

“God, why?”  I asked this question.  I thought I wanted an answer.  Looking back though, there was much more to my “why” questions than just an answer. I needed more than an answer, and God knew that.  As I asked, I felt God speak something that totally changed my perspective.

I felt him speak of the way He saw the brokenness in my heart.  He saw the pain I carried, and He felt it.  Once I understood this, I knew that was exactly what I needed.  I needed to know that He saw me—the God of the universe cared enough to see inside my brokenness.  He cared so much He sent Jesus, for me, and once I realized that, it changed everything; it changed me.

I thought about the way I feel when I see my kids going through difficult circumstances. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect them; I would stand in their place and willingly carry the pain for them, but I can’t always do that.  I must allow them to walk through painful seasons.  It’s hard, but it’s healthy.  I can’t protect them forever.  I cannot treat them as a 2-year-old for their entire lives.  I can’t take it away from them, but I can walk with them.  We can do it together, and that is exactly the way He feels about me.

I think I’ve learned more about God’s love through my experience as a parent, than from any other platform.  It’s not that I haven’t read about His love in the Bible, or heard other people talk about God’s love, but there is just something powerful in the love a parent has for their child.  It’s sacrificial and unending.  I love the moments of conversation I have with my kids throughout the day.  I treasure our relationship. God feels the same.

God loves me. I see His love in the sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus.  He wanted to carry my pain.  He felt it in a deeper way than I could understand.  And He wept.  He wept over Charlie’s choices, He wept over my brokenness, and He wept over my inability to understand where He was in all of my questions.  

Those things are true for you too.  God loves you.  He wants to carry your pain.  He feels it in a deeper way than you can understand.  He weeps over you; over the circumstances, you’re walking out and the brokenness.  He weeps over your inability to understand where He is in all the questions.  

Also Read: Open Heaven 13 July   2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye –THE WOMAN IN MINISTRY 

 I know God loves me, because He sent Jesus, “He sent His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life (John 3:16).” I know He loves me.  I’m not special.  I’m not God’s favorite child.  He did not heal me because He pitied me.  He has simply done it because He loves me.  And if He could take my brokenness and bring His healing and love into my life, then I know He wants to do it in yours.  If you don’t know Jesus, today in this dark place, ask Him to forgive your sins and come into your heart. 

We are all the same at the foot of the Cross, equally loved.  God doesn’t have favorites! We are His daughters! And His plan for our lives is the same.  He wants to love us through it—to walk together, to talk about it, to spend quiet moments just sitting together not saying a word.  We aren’t alone in our pain.  Our Father is with us, and He sees it.


Today it’s time to talk to our Father about letting His love in.  If it’s not easy or you don’t feel it, tell Him.  If you don’t believe that He loves you, tell Him.  Ask Him to show you what it means to know Jesus personally.  His love is the answer to every question.  It’s behind all of them.    


Join me in this prayer, “God, I don’t know how to let You love me in this.  I don’t know how to lay aside my why questions.  Please help me.  Help me to see Your love, to feel Your love, and to know that You see my brokenness.”


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