Topic: When We Are Fearful [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 11 January 2020]

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Isaiah 41:8-20

Throughout the Bible, God encourages us not to be afraid or anxious, because as His children, we have no basis for fear. Of course, there are reasons to be cautious about what we do and where we go, but living in a state of anxiety is uncalled-for.

We all have different fears—such as fear of criticism, illness, death, and poverty. These are universal worries, but they’re symptoms of something deep inside that feeds our concerns. Some of the root causes are:

A basic sense of inadequacy. We might feel incompetent to tackle some challenges or tasks.

The tendency to set unrealistic standards for ourselves. We can go through life trying to measure up to expectations that are self-imposed rather than ones set by God.

An innate sense of unworthiness. We might feel we don’t deserve God’s goodness.

In the midst of our fears and anxieties, we need to remember God’s promise from Isaiah 41: “Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isa. 41:10). It’s important that we look to Him and not at our circumstances.Bible in One Year:Genesis 36-38

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