Topic: Where Is Australia? [David Jeremiah Ministry 26 August 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Where Is Australia?

AUGUST 26, 2021

Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.
John 18:37

 Recommended Reading: John 18:36-38

“Do not measure His love by your circumstances,” wrote Al Bryant. “If you do, you must, of necessity, reach a false conclusion. Judge not according to the outward appearance. Never reason from your surroundings. Get to the heart of Christ, and reason out from that blessed centre. Never interpret His love by your circumstances; but always interpret your circumstances by His love.”

That’s a profound insight.

We don’t compare the world to our globe and say, “Oh, Australia is in the wrong spot.” No, we compare our globe to the world and say, “The mapmaker put Australia in the wrong place.” We mustn’t base our perceptions on other perceptions, but on reality—on the truth of Jesus Christ Himself! His followers live by the truth of His Word, not by the perceptions of our worries.

Let Christ carry your burdens, and keep your eyes on Him and on His vast love for you.

Come what may; let the furnace be ever so hot; let the waters be ever so deep; let the shadows be ever so dark; let the path be ever so rough; let the pressure be ever so great, still hold fast your confidence in [Christ’s] perfect love and sympathy.
Al Bryant

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