Topic: Who Do You Believe You Are? [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 15 May 2021]

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Today’s Scripture

Isaiah 43:1, NLT“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.”

Today’s Word

It’s easy to go through life letting people and circumstances put names on us, such as average, unqualified, or poor. Sometimes our own thoughts have named us as unattractive, not talented, not good enough. As long as you’re wearing these names, believing the lies that people and circumstances have told you, it will keep you from your potential. You have to change your name in your mind. Who do you believe you are? When God breathed life into you, He named you blessed, prosperous, talented, victorious, one of a kind, and a masterpiece. People may call you ordinary. If you accept that name, you’ll become exactly that. Have you let life name you addicted, limited, and always struggling, or do you go by what God named you—free, victorious, overcomer, well able? Quit letting negative names play in your mind. That’s not who you are. Keep calling yourself what God calls you. If you do this, strongholds that have held you back will be broken. You will step into who you were created to be.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You have called me by name, and I am Yours. Thank You that You call me blessed, redeemed, forgiven, victorious, overcomer, and a masterpiece. I refuse to let life name me anything less than what You have named me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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