Topic: Who Holds the Future [David Jeremiah Ministry 13 February 2020 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: Who Holds the Future [David Jeremiah Ministry 13 February 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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FEBRUARY 13, 2020

As for you, O king, thoughts came to your mind while on your bed, about what would come to pass after this; and He who reveals secrets has made known to you what will be.
Daniel 2:29

 Recommended Reading: Daniel 2:24-30

In the first half of the twentieth century, the American federal government and courts began ruling that buying and selling stocks based on non-public information—what came to be called “insider trading”—was illegal. Just think of the advantages one might have if future information about a company—or a nation—were to be gained.

That was the kind of knowledge the prophet Daniel had—not on his own, but by virtue of God’s revelation to him (Daniel 2:27-28). Daniel foretold to the king of Babylon, the existing king of kings of the world, that his kingdom would fall and be followed by three more. And all those kingdoms would be replaced by the kingdom of “the God of heaven” (Daniel 2:44). Daniel didn’t reveal this information to profit from it personally, but to cause Nebuchadnezzar to humble himself before the God who “removes kings and raises up kings” (Daniel 2:21).          

We may not fully understand and know everything the future holds, but we can place our faith and trust in the One who does. Our future is in good hands—place your trust in Him.

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.
Corrie ten Boom


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Numbers 14 – 15

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