Topic: Who Will God Use? – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 24 June 2020]

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Who Will God Use?


“But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty…” (1 Corinthians 1:27)


People say, “Well, I don’t believe God can use me.” You’re insulting God. You’re limiting Him. “Well,” you say, “all right then, I’ll just serve God in my poor little old weak way.” Quit it! He doesn’t want you to serve him in your “poor little old weak way.” God wants to take ordinary people and do extraordinary things through them!

This is the kind of people God wants to use. He delights to use them. He’s done it from the dawn on time: Gideon, Deborah, young Samuel, Ruth the widow, David the shepherd boy, Esther the orphan, Matthew the tax collector. Don’t forget Cornelius, the member of an occupying army; Saul, the church-persecutor; Peter, the denier; and John Mark, the deserter.

It’s not your fame; it’s your faith.

It’s not your scholarship; it’s your relationship.

It’s not who you know; it’s Whose you are that counts.


God takes what the world calls a foolish message, combines it with a weak messenger, and mixes these two in the crucible of His love and wisdom. The result is glory to God. Be willing to be used of God, no matter how weak you believe you are. Trust Him to empower you. Remember— God doesn’t need your ability, only your availability.

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