Topic: WHY DO WE NEED A SAVIOR? – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 13 December 2019

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“…you shall call his name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21

December 13, 2019

Birth announcements are pretty common letters our household receives. It’s a wonderful moment of celebration and excitement of this new life. But did you know that when Jesus Christ was born, God sent the ultimate birth announcement—straight from heaven—to announce the birth of this world changer: His Son Jesus.

What did this heavenly birth announcement look like? A host of angels filled the sky proclaiming, “Today in the city of David has been born for you a Savior who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).

“But why do we need a Savior?” you might be thinking.

God’s Word spells it out. We desperately need a Savior because all of us have sinned. Big, small, it doesn’t matter. That sin has separated us from God. If we die separated from Him, that means eternal separation from Him in hell – and that’s bad news.

That’s where Christmas comes in. Christmas is all about good news! It’s a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ who came to pay the penalty for our sins, offer us complete forgiveness, and restore that right relationship with our Heavenly Father, God. For those who believe and put their trust in Him, Jesus saves us from our sin and ultimately, hell — and that’s pretty important.

So as you rush around getting wrapping gifts and planning your annual Christmas party, remember why Jesus was born. Remember the heavenly birth announcement that let the world know the significance of that baby born in Bethlehem, who would grow up to become a Savior for you and me.

When God blesses us, He has more than us in mind.
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