Topic: Will You Miss it Also? – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 15 December 2021

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Will You Miss it Also?

There are 1189 chapters in the Bible, 250 in the New Testament and 89 in the Four Gospels. Of all those chapters in God’s Word there are four that detail the Birth of Jesus. There are four chapters of The New Testament that describe this night. They are Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2. From these chapters comes an intriguing and very powerful cast of characters. If all seventeen were listed they would be:

Six Saints

Several shepherds

Three sinners


A Host of Angels

A bunch of stuffed Robed Religious big shots

Some mysterious Magi from the East

Gabriel the Archangel

And the Savior of the World.

From this cast, let’s draw out a few of them. Through their response to the Birth of Christ we can learn and follow. Don’t miss out on the blessings and wonders of the 1st Christmas. You won’t if you learn from these.

Also Read: Open Heaven 15 December 2021 –Topic: BEWARE OF PROFITEERING 

So which ones were looking for Jesus? Let’s just zero in on a few of these folks and try to heed what God is trying to tell us.  Okay? Who were they?  Well, Matthew lists a cast of 6 (turn to Mt. 1-2).

1.      Mary– pondering, worshiping, trusting and obeying

2.      Joseph – fearful, faithful, obedient, seeking and sacrificing

3.      Magi – willing to follow anywhere to find their king

4.      Herod – more concerned about his crown, his women, his wine, his building projects, his businesses, his security — than his soul

5.      Chief priests and religious leaders – they used the Scriptures, but didn’t obey them. They knew about the prophets, but they did not believe prophecy

6.      Jesus

On the first Christmas when God invaded the time space prison of earth, there were many different people who were around. Those who were looking for Him, found Him and that day the greatest in their lives, the other who were not looking for Him, and missed the greatest opportunity in their lives.

How about it? Are you looking for Jesus this Christmas? Or is this Christmas flying by so fast you will miss what God is offering you? Everyone who was looking for Jesus to come enjoyed His arrival. As we examine their lives we can often see ourselves. Who are you like?

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