Topic: WINNING YOUR UNBELIEVING SPOUSE TO CHRIST (1)  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 28 January 2022

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Dear Reader,

The year is fast winding down, and I want to congratulate you on being alive and well till this day. I am so convinced that you will be alive to see the end of 2021, and by the grace of God, you will be well and mightily increased by this same time next year, in Jesus name! God’s plan and purpose for you in marriage is that you have a godly home. Therefore, if your spouse is an unbeliever, God wants to give you practical and workable tips for winning your spouse.

There is a price to pay to win your spouse to Christ; so, do not give up on them yet!  I am sure this month’s teaching will show you the right moves to make that will help you out of this challenge. I want you to know that there are quite a number of people today who were not Christians when they got married. Many found and accepted Jesus Christ alone and later found their spouse or loved ones who became a big burden to them. They do not want to hear anything about church, being born again, and most times, they try to frustrate your efforts to serve God.  Also, it is very important to know that when it comes to salvation, a person’s will is involved in accepting or rejecting Christ Jesus.  But then, there are certain things you can do to get such people saved.  Today, I shall be discussing one of those things with you.

ALSO READ: Open Heaven 28 January 2022  –Topic: MYSTERIES OF A CHRISTIAN LIFE 

Even though there are no established rules in soul-winning that will work for everyone, your spouse’s will in accepting salvation is of utmost importance, and it is still possible for your spouse to make heaven. Genesis 7:7says And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood. If it was possible for Noah then, it is possible for you too! Noah went into the ark of safety. The ark in his own days is the ark of our salvation today.  Salvation is our own ark, and yet, in the days of Noah, the Bible says, ‘Noah went in’,but he did not go alone. Thank God for Noah, who was not selfish about his testimony of salvation. When it comes to the issue of salvation, do not just rejoice at the fact that you are born again; believe God also for your spouse who is an unbeliever.  Noah believed in God for his spouse and loved ones, and they were able to enter into the ark of safety with him.  There are several things you can do to help get your spouse saved, and these things are far from complaint, nagging, forcing, bribing, threatening or tricks.

One of the ways you can help win your loved one to Christ is by prayer. Prayer changes things; it changes the earthly world around you from the spiritual realm.  No prayer is too small for God to answer.  If you can ask Him for all other things, why don’t you ask for the soul of your spouse? Philippians 4:6says, Be careful for nothing; but IN EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  God, Himself, is the Creator of every man, including your spouse.  He sees his or her heart and can stir it to Himself as He likes when you ask Him to.Your spouse, as an unbeliever, has not seen the light and cannot be blamed much if he or she does not see things the way you do.  He or she has been blinded by the devil.  This is why God’s Word in 2 Corinthians 4:4 says, …the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.  You must demand in prayer for God to remove your spouse’s spiritual blindness and open his or her eyes as He did with Saul at Damascus(Acts 9:1-22).Your prayer must be done in faith and based on the Word of God without doubts in your heart.  You must also learn to be patient and not be anxious, especially if your unbelieving spouse is the husband. You could also pray and ask the Lord to send external influence like friends, other relations, colleagues or acquaintances who will positively influence him or her to accept Jesus Christ.  There should be somebody who can talk to your spouse, the way you may not be able to!

Remember, your prayer does not stop you from carrying out your normal duties as a wife or a husband.  It does not exempt you from obeying the commandments of God concerning marriage.  You must continue to fulfil your own part, even if your spouse is not fulfilling his or hers.  Do not ever pray tragedies on your spouse just to get him or her to be born again!  As you pray in faith, with your prayers based on God’s Word, the Spirit of conviction will come on him or her, and salvation becomes easy. 

Here is a testimony from a sister that can further help build your faith:

My husband suddenly stopped going to church, and he stopped participating in even the prayers we hold at home, and I could not say exactly what was wrong. However, I engaged in prayers. Thereafter, during a church service, Bishop David Oyedepo asked us to write a list of what we do not want to see again in our lives, and one of the things I wrote was that my husband must come back and give his life fully to Christ. I knew I am more than a conqueror, so I declared, ‘You this devil, you must get out of this home; there is no room for you here!’ Then I believed God to grant me all my desires. The following day, which was a Sunday, my husband came to church. Now, he wakes us up for prayers!

I see God do the same for your spouse and loved ones who are still unbelievers, in Jesus name!  God will give you full joy in seeing your loved ones make heaven too, in Jesus name! Do not give up! If you are the one this teaching is talking about, then you can accept Jesus Christ now and become born again, as you say this prayer: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. I accept You as my Lord and personal Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for delivering me from sin and satan to serve the living God, and thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.


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