Topic: “WITHOUT EQUAL” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 19 June 2021 -

Topic: “WITHOUT EQUAL” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 19 June 2021

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READ: Philippians 3:3-14

“...I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord…” – Philippians 3:8

Many jobs require job seekers to be below the age of thirty. Why do you think many companies recruit people below a certain age? Because they want to get the best out of them!

The priesthood is the high calling of God. And that is what I am involved with. On this earth, the priesthood is despised. I once had a pastor who couldn’t find a wife because he was a pastor. The mother of his would-be bride, refused to allow her daughter to be engaged to a pastor. She felt that a pastor was an aimless, jobless man without prospects.

On one occasion, she even sent an emissary to find out if he really worked with the church as he claimed. She also wanted to find out what kind of work he could possibly be doing. The mother’s envoy could not hide her surprise when she found out that the church actually had offices and that there was a lot of work going on in these offices.

Don’t despise the Church. There are people who say they will work for God when they retire. Which occupation can be compared with the high calling of ministry? Medicine, law, engineering, architecture, carpentry, computing, banking, journalism, research, pharmacy, mining, management, acting, singing, dancing, plumbing, masonry or piloting cannot be compared with the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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