Topic: “WOMEN IN MINISTRY”– Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 14 September 2021 -

Topic: “WOMEN IN MINISTRY”– Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 14 September 2021

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READ: Romans 16:1-16

…I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your…your daughters shall prophesy…” – Joel 2:28

In Romans 16, we read an account of men and women who laboured in the Lord, were helpers of Apostle Paul, and commended by him. A least seven women are named here: Phebe, Priscilla, Mary, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis, Julia and an unnamed sister of Nereus. In my church, I have found that women are very good shepherds and pastors. Some of my best pastors are women.

However, you will notice that there seem to be more men actively involved in ministry. We see the disciples becoming successful apostles, prophets, and teachers. In the second chapter of Acts, we see the disciples receiving the anointing and speaking in tongues. It took them longer to receive the anointing. But when they did, the results were dramatic. We watched them become ministers in the book of Acts.

I believe that women receive the anointing far quicker than men do, but the cares of this world choke the Word and it becomes unfruitful (Mark 4:19). There are three areas where women are particularly affected: in the area of finding husbands; in ensuring that their marriages are successful and peaceful; and thirdly, as regards the bearing and raising of children.

I have watched women with great anointing lose their ministry as they succumbed to these realities. When they are able to overcome these three challenges, they become extremely useful.

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