Topic: Wonderful Reward – Our Daily Bread 25 August 2020

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Wonderful Reward

Bible in a Year:Psalm 119:1–881 Corinthians 7:20–40

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.Psalm 119:18

SHAREToday’s Scripture & Insight:Psalm 119:17–24

Donelan, a teacher, had always been a reader, but one day it literally paid off. She was planning a trip and reviewing her lengthy travel insurance policy when on page seven she discovered a wonderful reward. As part of their “It Pays to Read” contest, the company was giving $10,000 to the first person to read that far into the contract. They also donated thousands of dollars to schools in Donelan’s area for children’s literacy. She says, “I’ve always been that nerd who reads contracts. I was the most surprised of anyone!”

The psalmist wanted his eyes opened to “see wonderful things” about God (Psalm 119:18). He must have had an understanding that God wants to be known, and so he longed for a deeper closeness to Him. His desire was to see more of who God is, what He’d already given, and how to follow Him more closely (vv. 24, 98). He wrote, “Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long” (v. 97).

We too have the privilege of taking time to ponder God, His character, and His provisions—to learn about and grow closer to Him. God longs to instruct us, guide us, and open our hearts to who He is. When we search for Him, He rewards us with greater wonder at who He is and the enjoyment of His presence!

By:  Anne Cetas

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Reflect & Pray

As you open your Bible and read, how is your heart and mind opened to God and His ways? What would you like to know or experience more of?

How I love Your Word, God. It’s sweet to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.

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