Topic: Word of Wisdom [David Jeremiah Ministry 9 September 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Word of Wisdom


All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
2 Timothy 3:16

 Recommended Reading: Proverbs 2:6

Foxfire magazine began in 1966 as a quarterly publication by students in the mountains of north Georgia. The focus of the articles was on primitive Appalachian culture and lifestyles. As articles accumulated, they were gathered and published in The Foxfire Book in 1972. The book was so successful that a total of twelve volumes had been published through 2004. The books represent “the bible” for how to live and prosper in a simple, back-to-the-land lifestyle.

God’s Bible, the Holy Scriptures, is like that for the Christian life. There is hardly a question in life that God’s Word does not shed some light on. Just as skill is needed to live a simple, mountain lifestyle, so skill is needed to live wisely in this world. In fact, the Old Testament word for wisdom is actually the Hebrew word for skill. God wants to give us skill to make wise and godly choices on our journey.

Do you have a question or need direction or wisdom for a decision? Start with God’s Word—it was given to make us wise (Psalm 111:10).

The truly wise man is he who always believes the Bible against the opinion of any man.

R. A. Torrey


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Ezekiel 47 – 48

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