Topic: Work Clothes [David Jeremiah Ministry 4 August 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Work Clothes

AUGUST 4, 2021

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.
Romans 5:3, NLT

 Recommended Reading: Romans 5:1-5

Swiss engineer George de Mestral grew frustrated with a recurring problem. Whenever he went hiking, his clothes and his dog would get covered with burrs. The little pods were hard to pry out of his socks and nearly impossible to get out of his dog’s hair. De Mestral decided to study his problem under a microscope. He was amazed at the tiny hooks in the burrs. The experience led him to invent Velcro.

Writing in Inc. Magazine, Jayson Demers says successful entrepreneurs all have one thing in common. “Rather than seeing problems as burdensome forces of opposition, they see problems as opportunities—opportunities to learn, grow, improve, or adjust in a way that leaves them better off than before the problem existed.” It takes time to develop this mindset, says Demers, but if we train our minds to view our problems as opportunities, we’ll become more adept at handling them with less stress and more success.[1]

Think of a problem you’re facing right now. It may actually be a great opportunity to serve the Lord. He will use that difficulty for good if you’ll just stick with Him through it!

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.

Henry J. Kaiser

[1]Jayson Demers,” How to Change Your Mindset to See Problems as Opportunities,” Inc., July 1, 2015.

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