Topic: “WORLDLY OR SPIRITUAL?” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 12 January 2020

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READ: 1 Timothy 6:6-14

“But lusted exceedingly…and tempted God in the desert.“ – Psalm 106:14

How can we know what is in our hearts? By the things we say! Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The love of the world is in our hearts and the love for the things in the world is also in our hearts.

Today, Jesus is standing at the door of the hearts of all Christians, knocking and asking to be let in. He wants to take His rightful place. He wants to drive away all illegal occupants who have no right to be in the hearts of His children. This Scripture (Revelation 3:20) is a letter to the church, which has Jesus Christ standing outside and asking to be let in. Jesus is equally standing at the door of the heart of the church today, asking to be let in to take His rightful place. Unfortunately, other things are in there and that is why Jesus is on the outside. The love for the world has filled the heart of the church. Money, wealth, and the deceitfulness of them all, have possessed the pulpit and the pew alike. No wonder Jesus is asking to be let back into His wealthy, last-day church! Satan has crept in and occupied the chair that he has no right to.

If Jesus occupies our hearts, we will be filled with the knowledge of His will and be in love with Him and not with the world. It is sad that our hearts have gone after earthly and worldly things. It is indeed pathetic that mammon has been welcomed into the church and has replaced Christ. We are richer than we have ever been but if Christ is outside then our riches will become a snare to us.

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