Topic: Worry About Nothing; Pray About Everything [RICK WARREN Devotional 28 June  2022]

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Worry About Nothing; Pray About Everything

“Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?”

Romans 8:32 (NLT)

Anytime I needed something when I was a kid, I’d talk to my dad. Sometimes I needed something expensive, but not once did I worry about where my father was going to get the money for whatever I needed. That wasn’t my job! It was my dad’s job to figure out where the money would come from. It was my job as a kid to simply ask.

In the same way, it’s not your job to figure out how God’s going to provide. It’s your job to ask.

When you worry instead of asking, you’re acting like an atheist, like someone who believes they don’t have a heavenly Father. Worry is practical atheism—living your life like God doesn’t exist or can’t be trusted.

The Bible is clear: God wants you to come to him in prayer about everything. James 4:2 says, “You do not have because you do not ask God” (NIV).

Also Read: Open Heaven 28 June  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye –Topic: THE SHOUT OF PRAISE II 

Worry less—and ask more. Instead of worrying, pray about everything.

As Philippians 4:6 says, “Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests” (GW).

Did you catch that? God wants you to come to him “in every situation.” You can talk to him about everything—no matter how big or small it seems to you.

Romans 8:32 says, “Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?” (NLT).

God has solved your biggest problem—sin—and everything else is small by comparison.

If God loved you enough to send Jesus to die for your sins, don’t you think he loves you enough to help you with your finances? Don’t you think he loves you enough to help you with your health? With your relationships? With career decisions? With your deadline?

God is interested in every single area of your life. In fact, he already knows what you need—but he still wants you to ask him for it.

Are you ready to reduce the stress in your life? God is waiting for you to come to him with your needs. Choose to worry about nothing—and pray about everything.

Talk It Over

  • If God already knows all your needs, why do you think God wants you to ask him to meet those needs?
  • What keeps you from asking God for the things that you need?
  • Think of a time that God clearly answered one of your prayers. How does that answered prayer encourage you to keep praying about other needs in your life?

Have you trusted Jesus with your life?

The Bible says you can only get to heaven by trusting in God through his Son, Jesus Christ. You cannot earn your way into heaven: “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV).

If you’re ready to confess your sins and to trust Jesus with your life, start with this prayer:

“Dear God, you have promised that if I believe in Jesus, everything I’ve ever done wrong will be forgiven, I will learn the purpose of my life, and you will accept me into your eternal home in heaven one day.

“I confess my sin, and I submit to Jesus as my Savior and Lord. Jesus, I want to follow you and serve you. I humbly commit my life to you and ask you to save me and accept me into your family. In your name I pray. Amen.”


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