Topic: WORSHIP GOD – NOT NATURE – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 6 May 2020 -

Topic: WORSHIP GOD – NOT NATURE – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 6 May 2020

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“God said to them…’Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’” – Genesis 1:28

May 6, 2020

Many people have been turned off to environmental issues by extremists. Environmentalists often seem to have more concern for whales, snail darters, and owls than they do for people. Some of them try to make us feel guilty for being alive and using air.

Christians actually have special insight into this controversy. We know that the present world is temporary, yet the Bible, Genesis 1, tells us that one of man’s major responsibilities is to care for the environment. You could say Genesis 1 is the ultimate environmental manifesto because this was Adam’s job description, and it is also a general model for us today.

Amidst this environmental concern is also tremendous confusion, and it lies with the wrong focus. Some environmentalists worship nature more than the God of all nature. Some worship creation more than the Creator. It is as ludicrous as having greater awe for the painting, Mona Lisa, than for her creator, Leonardo de Vinci.

When nature is supreme, we get confused and misguided. When nature is respected and managed out of obedience to God, the Creator, then we’re able to care for the environment in a way that makes sense – in a way that’s best for all.

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