Topic: Worship the Christ of Revelation – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett  5 November 2022

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Discover the Book – November 5

Worship the Christ of Revelation

As the end of days approaches, you can find hope as you continually worship Christ anew and afresh through His wonderful names in Revelation!

Worship the Ever-Present Christ!

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants-things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John.” – Revelation 1:1

In the latter part of the first century, in the azure green of the Aegean Sea off the coast of Turkey was a barren island, a Roman penal colony, a rock quarry that cut stones for imperial temples and buildings. A boat carrying John, the last apostle, made its way to that colony island. John, as the final living member of Christ’s inner circle, was considered to be the last of the empire’s greatest enemies.

When John reached that prison island, he was perhaps eighty years old. Wizened and stooping, gray and halting, and scarred by the fight, he was still forced to work in the rock quarries. Every day, while he worked in those quarries, he had plenty of opportunities to meditate on what Jesus had done while he walked with Him and during his own sixty years of ministry.

As storms blew in over the Aegean Sea, I am confident that he found great peace remembering Jesus’ power to still howling winds as He did when the disciples were in the boat on the stormy Sea of Galilee. Jesus spoke authoritatively to the wind and waves, and both immediately became calm, as did His disciples. Whenever John saw withered vegetation on Patmos, he thought about the time Jesus caused the fig tree to wither. When he saw prisoners die, John meditated on Jesus’ power to touch dead bodies and bring them back to life. He recalled personally seeing the widow at Nain sobbing as her son’s coffin was being taken out to the burial place. But then Jesus walked out and intercepted the crowd; and when He touched the coffin, the boy sat up. John was also there when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. So on and on, the Holy Spirit prompted precious memories of the One who loved him so!

No matter where John was, he was near his beloved and ever-present Lord Jesus Christ. When he “looked full in His wonderful face, the things of earth grew strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” And John’s heart, overwhelmed with joy, worshiped!

Also Read: Open Heaven 5 November  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – THE GLORY OF GOD 

You and I have the same opportunity to worship the ever-present Christ, but we get to see more of Him than John saw. Having written just one of the four Gospels, John did not personally witness what Matthew, Mark, and Luke reported. But we have all the Gospels through which to see Christ, so we have an abundance of precious moments of Christ’s power to meditate upon. This same ever-present Christ is with us at homeat schoolat workat play, or wherever we may be! What a thought! I wonder: Do you purposefully look for evidence of Christ’s presence throughout your day and talk about it over dinner? I hope so!

The next time you feel alone, abandoned, desolate, or useless, remember that just as Jesus was never out of sight for John, He will never be out of sight for you-ever!


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