Topic: Yesterday’s Baggage [Joel Osteen Ministries - Today's Word 24 September 2021] -

Topic: Yesterday’s Baggage [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 24 September 2021]

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Yesterday’s Baggage

Sep 24, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Romans 4:7, NLTOh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight.

Today’s Word

We all make mistakes, and some are very painful. Maybe you need to bury mistakes you made. You’ve lived feeling guilty, condemned, and down on yourself long enough. Have a funeral and put it behind you. No more talking about it. No more letting the accuser make you feel unworthy. When the defeat, the mistake, or the hurt comes back up on the movie screen of your mind, change the channel. Have the attitude, “I’m not living in regret and rehearsing failures. I’m moving forward.”

Pay attention to what you’re dwelling on all day. Listen to what you’re saying. How much time and energy are you giving to the negative things of your past–the guilt, the offenses, the blame, the discouragement? You only have so much emotional energy each day. When you spend that energy on negative things, rehearsing your failures and being down on yourself, that’s energy you should be using to move forward. Drop yesterday’s negative baggage. Let it go.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You’ve given me the power to stop the negative things from my past that play and replay in my mind. I refuse to continue to live in regret and be down on myself. I declare that I am dropping the baggage and moving forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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