Topic: Yield to God's Preparation  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 27 November 2021 -

Topic: Yield to God’s Preparation  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 27 November 2021

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Above Only Daily Devotional
Saturday November, 27 2021

Yield to God’s Preparation

Isaiah 40:3-5 (AMPC)
A voice of one who cries: Prepare in the wilderness the way of the Lord [clear away the obstacles]; make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our God! Every valley shall be lifted and filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked and uneven shall be made straight and level, and the rough places a plain. And the glory (majesty and splendor) of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

Just as Jesus usually told His disciples to go and make preparations for something He was about to do (Luke 22:8), from time to time, God wants to lead us in order to prepare us and position us for new things He wants to do both in and through our lives. Jesus said new wine can only be poured into a new wine skins or else, both the wine and the skin will be lost (Luke 5:37-38). Many times, it is our mindset and capacity that is limiting us from experiencing the new things God wants to do both in and through our lives.

Also Read: Open Heaven 27 November 2021 –Topic: RIGHTEOUSNESS BRINGS BLESSINGS 

We are God’s precious vessels by which He flows and moves on the earth. God wants us to continually yield ourselves to Him so He can transform our minds and develop greater capacity into us for greater exploits. A lot of this preparation and transformation take place as we fellowship intimately with God. Especially as we study God’s Word and pray. Right before Jesus spoke about new wine and new wine skins, He spoke about fasting. Jesus also said that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth and show us things to come, (John 16:13).

” Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; …As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.
And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away,” (Acts 13:1-3). Fasting and prayer are one of the major ways that we yield ourselves to God for Him to move in us and prepare us for what He wants to do in our lives. That is why we fast and pray for the first three days of every month. God wants to do new things in your life. A new level of His glory shall be seen through you.

Heavenly Father, I am ready for the new things you want to do in my life. I yield myself to you right now. Prepare my mind and build my capacity.

Daniel 4:1-37, 2 Peter 1:1-21, Psalm 119:97:112, Proverbs 28:17-18

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