Topic: YOU ARE COMPLETELY PROTECTED – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 28 March 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission] -

Topic: YOU ARE COMPLETELY PROTECTED – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 28 March 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.”Psalm 91:10 (KJV)
Daily, as we listen to the news, we are inundated with tales of evil and terror from all over the nations of the world. Even in our own nation, everyone seems to be at a complete loss on how to tackle the issues that confront us. Like I have always said, evil will certainly multiply in these last days, but the good news is that we are also going to experience a greater dimension of the power of God. For the believer, these are the best days because wherever evil abounds, look under the table and you will see that grace does much more abound. Settle it in your heart, therefore, that the God you serve is able to keep you from all evil.

You are completely protected!In the account recorded in the book of Mark 4:37-39, a storm rose up suddenly while Jesus and His disciples were in a boat at sea. That same account records that while the disciples were at a complete loss as to what to do, Jesus was fast asleep on a pillow in the hinder part of the boat. The question is why was He asleep in the face of grave danger? It is apparent that Jesus knew what the disciples did not know. He knew that no storm from hell could kill Him before His time. He knew He was fully protected. He simply arose and by one Word commanded the storm to cease. 
In like manner, I command every storm raging in your life to cease in Jesus name. Fear not! The last time I checked my Bible, Pharaoh had no choice than to allow God’s people to go from captivity in Egypt. For so long, he refused to allow them to go until God brought down judgment upon the land. Pharaoh was so overwhelmed that he virtually begged the children of Israel to go. Beloved, in like manner, I declare that whatever may have hitherto held you captive will release you in Jesus name.
Further Reading: Mark 4:36-41, Psalm 91:1-16Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Judges 4-6; Evening- Luke 4:31-44

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