Topic: You Are Not a Slave [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 27 August 2021]

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You Are Not a Slave

Aug 27, 2021

Today’s Scripture

John 8:36, AMPSo if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.

Today’s Word

Because of negative things in the past or even mistakes we’ve made, too often we develop a slave mentality. We think we’re at a disadvantage, so we don’t pursue our dreams or pray bold prayers. We live as though we’re a slave to an addiction, to depression, to mediocrity, to others’ approval. But today’s Scripture says the Son of God has set us free. You are not a slave; you are a child of the Most High God. Sons and daughters think differently than slaves. You may struggle with an addiction, but you say, “I have a right to be free.” There may be obstacles in your path, but you know the forces for you are greater than the forces against you.

God has defeated the enemy and freed us from sin, guilt, depression, and sicknesses. You need to rise up and say, “I’m a son. I’m not a slave to my past, to people who hurt me, to addiction, to poverty, or to lack. I’m a child of the Most High God.”

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You have made me Your child, and Jesus has set me free. Thank You that You redeemed me from sin and guilt and sickness. I believe and declare that the forces for me are greater than the forces against me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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