Topic: You are Special – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 14 February 2020]

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You are Special

February 14, 2020

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name…” – JOHN 1:12 

Children loved Mr. Rogers – and with the recent release of a movie about him, people of all ages are understanding why. He spoke to children on their level, yet he never talked down to them. He would affirm his little viewers with the message of their value and uniqueness. Fred Rogers knew how to talk to a child’s heart. God values us, His children, and He knows how to talk to our hearts. When He sent His Son Jesus into the world, He got down on our level, and the Holy Spirit affirms that we are special to God and that He loves us very much.

Mr. Rogers invited us to be his neighbor. The Lord invites us to be His child, to be in His family! He is waiting with open arms just for you!

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