Topic: YOU ARE THE EXPRESSION OF CHRIST  – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 14 August 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular”.1Corinthians 12:27 (KJV)Paul taught that Jesus is the head of the church. We are His body and the body cannot be separated from the head. The Bible says to us that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, He showed Himself and then finally ascended. Do you know that if Jesus is to express himself here on earth; the only avenue is through the body. Without the body, there is no expression. I know that He is God in person but without you, Christ has no expression here on earth. Do you know that no matter how brilliant your brain is and how smart you are; without your body, you are powerless. Your head can think it that I want to take this flower, but if the hand doesn’t go there, nothing will happen. So, the head and the body are both important.We always say about Jesus, Lord I need you, I need you this hour. He also needs you. Don’t you know that without you Jesus can do nothing? Yes. I know the Bible says in John 15:5: ……”for without me ye can do nothing”(KJV). But let me also tell you that without you, He can do nothing. Why is this so? Because you are His body here on earth. If He has to lay hands on the sick here on earth, you have to do it. If He has to cast out devils, you have to cast them out. If He has to express Himself in any way, it has to be you or nothing.We have a problem because we try to separate the body from the head. We think the head has all the power and then the body has nothing. That’s the way you see yourself. But that’s not the way Heaven sees it. You must begin to see yourself in your place. If you don’t see yourself in your rightful place, the devil will eat your lunch and spit in your face. Be conscious of who you are and take your rightful place. You are the expression of Christ on earth.Further Reading: Ephesians 1:16-23, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 89-90; Evening- Romans 14

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