Topic:   YOU ARE THE WAY YOU DRESS (1) 5 October 2021 By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel]

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Dear Reader,

Peace and blessings, in Jesus name! God’s Word instructs, reproves and directs one’s life (2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore, it is the will of God and a privilege to bring you this subject titled: ‘You Are The Way You Dress’. As a teenager, the way you dress reflects who you are. It is often said that one is addressed based on the way he/she is dressed. This simply means that your dressing speaks more volume of who you are before your character does. As you read through this series, I pray that your eyes of understanding will be open to the importance of wearing the right clothes.

After I gave my life to Christ as a teenager, I began to model myself after the picture God had shown me concerning my destiny, which is found in 1 Peter 2:9. As it is written, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. This is a clear picture of who I am in Christ; so, I began to imagine how a queen dresses, which helped shape the taste of clothes I wear and buy. It is important to consider what your clothes say about your faith. You might be thinking God is such a busy God that He has no time to care about what you wear. You might also be thinking that you are still a teenager and what you wear does not really matter. Well, I have good news for you today, God is interested in your dressing, and what you wear matters to the Kingdom of God too.

God Cares if your Clothes are Outright Offensive

The Bible instructed in Romans 12:1, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. This doubtlessly is not a huge surprise because God is certainly a God of details; He is concerned about everything that pertains to you, and this includes the way and manner you present your body. Clothes are meant to cover your body, and God brought the idea of clothes to be an adornment to present you as the God-like creature you are here on earth. However, it is important to note that whichever way you present your body, it should be in accordance with the terms and conditions given by God. God did not infringe on your taste and desire to dress well and look good; rather, He wants you to dress in such a way that your body will not be presented in the wrong manner outside His purpose. God’s purpose is that everything you do with your body must present you to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.

God Cares if your Clothes are Designed to Tempt Others to Sin

Today, modesty in the world is gradually becoming a mirage with this internet age and time. Several unpruned information is becoming accessible and goes viral at every click on the internet, and it is gradually becoming complex. However, I do not want to lay down any strict rules about what teen girls or guys should specifically wear. But it is true that certain outfits may lead others to lust, and the Bible clearly admonishes you do not be the reason a fellow brother or sister falls into sin. Although the responsibility to avoid lust always lies with the person looking, not the object of their gaze. So, you will agree that there are some outfits that are specifically designed in today’s fashion world just to arouse sexual feelings in the opposite sex. You need to be conscious of what these clothes might be representing as against what you have in mind before wearing them. Do not give the enemy an avenue to use you as a tool of luring a fellow brother or sister to sin. Therefore, avoid wearing them in situations where you may cause others to sin – out of love for them.

However, the Holy Spirit is solely in charge of teaching and directing your spiritual and physical life. Therefore, you must depend on Him constantly to convict you on what is right and wrong. You cannot have the Holy Spirit when you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour. If you want to accept Him, say this prayer with faith in your heart: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. I accept You as my Lord and personal Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for delivering me from sin and satan to serve the living God, and thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom

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