Topic: You Can Trust God’s Timing [Joyce Meyer Devotional 5 February 2021] -

Topic: You Can Trust God’s Timing [Joyce Meyer Devotional 5 February 2021]

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My times are in Your hands . . .— Psalm 31:15 (AMPC)

One of the biggest mistakes we make as believers is forgetting that God’s timing rarely matches our timing. We think and plan in earthly terms, and God thinks and plans in eternal terms. We often want what feels good right now, what produces immediate results, but God is willing to be patient and deliberate as He invests in us over a longer period of time to produce results far better and longer lasting than we can imagine.

Just as our children try to talk us into giving them what they want, we sometimes do the same with God. He loves us even more than we love our children, though, and He loves us too much to give us what we want before we’re ready for it. God sees and understands things we can’t see or understand. He knows something born prematurely might struggle to survive, so He waits until He knows everything is fully developed and prepared for the arrival of our dreams.

Without trusting God, we’ll never experience satisfaction and enjoyment in life—we’ll always be striving to “make things happen” within our timeline. We need to remember He not only has the best plan for our lives, but He also knows the perfect timing for each aspect of those plans. Fighting and resisting the timing of God is equivalent to fighting and resisting His will, so we need to learn to trust His timing. God is working, often in ways we cannot see, to bring His plans to pass in our lives in the best possible ways. We can relax, enjoy the ride, and trust that He is working everything out as we’re waiting.

You can trust that God is working on His plan for your life; He is preparing it for you, and you for it. His plan may not come on your timetable, but the arrival of your dream is coming. Just have a seat (trust in Him, enter His rest), and when the time is precisely right, He’ll call your name.

Prayer Starter: Jesus, please help me let go of trying to make things happen that only You can do, and to remember that You’re working things out for my good because You see the full picture. Thank You for working to bring about the dreams You’ve placed in my heart, and for giving me grace to trust You in the meantime. In Jesus’ name, amen

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