Topic: YOU HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 8 April 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”
Matthew  26:28   KJV
The above statement was made by Jesus Christ when He was instituting the communion. He was showing us the fact that the cross dealt with sin once and for all. We are forgiven because of the blood. All records were wiped out and incinerated by the blood. Jesus declared: “It is finished!” meaning the blood removed the sin of your entire life. When God looks at the believer in Christ, He sees you completely covered with the blood of Jesus. Guess the three people who remind you of your sins – 1. The devil 2. You 3. The people around you. When you know that you have been completely forgiven, it destroys the power of sin over your life. When you come to the full realization of all that Jesus Christ did on the cross, you will square up your shoulder and be bold to confront the devil. When he reminds you of your past sins, you remind him of his future, and you are bold to tell him that you have been forgiven. The person that did those things is dead, for when you accepted Jesus, your sins, past, present and future were nailed to the cross and you are now a new person in Him. You are constantly being washed by the blood. When God looks at you, He sees Jesus in you. That is why Colossians 3:3 says “For ye are dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Take time to meditate on the fact that you have been forgiven. Say it to yourself over and over until you become one with that fact. Don’t let the devil make a mockery of you because of your ignorance. You are free from every sin, no matter how bad you think the sin is. By the way, do you realize that sin is sin? There is no big sin or small sin. Unforgiveness is as much a sin as murder. When you realise this, you will get off the high horse of self-righteousness and accept the finished work of Calvary.
Further Reading: Matthew 26:26-30Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Samuel 10-12; Evening- Luke 9:37-62

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