Topic: You Have Value [Joyce Meyer Devotional 16 December 2020] -

Topic: You Have Value [Joyce Meyer Devotional 16 December 2020]

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Fear not, then; you are of more value than many sparrows.— Matthew 10:31 (AMPC)

Worth – that property or those properties of a thing that render it useful or estimable

The fact that God sent His only beloved Son to die a painful death to buy our freedom assigns tremendous value to us, and lets us know God loves us immensely.

The Bible says we are bought with a price, a price that is precious—the blood of Jesus (see 1 Peter 1:19). He paid for all our sins, secured our justification, made our account with God balanced, and absolved us from all guilt (see Romans 4:25). Jesus is our substitute. He stood in our place, taking the punishment that we deserved, and freely gave us what He deserves—every kind of blessing.

So the next time you feel you have no value, remember all that Jesus did out of His great love for you. He gave everything to be in relationship with you…because you’re everything to Him.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for paying such a high price for my freedom. When I forget that or start to feel worthless, please help me remember Your love for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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