Topic: You Shall Lead by the Anointing of the Spirit  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 9 October 2021

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Above Only Daily Devotional
Saturday OCTOBER. 09 2021

You Shall Lead by the Anointing of the Spirit

Isaiah 11:1-5 (CEV)
Like a branch…from a stump, someone from David’s family will someday be king. The Spirit of the Lord will be with him to give him understanding, wisdom, and insight. He will be powerful, and he will know and honor the Lord. His greatest joy will be to obey the Lord. This king won’t judge by appearances or listen to rumors. The poor and the needy will be treated with fairness and with justice. His word will be law everywhere in the land, and criminals will be put to death. Honesty and fairness will be his royal robes.

It was through the Spirit of God that Joseph become a great leader in Egypt (Gen.41:38). By the anointing of the Spirit, he knew the meaning of Pharaoh’s dream, he knew what needed to be done about the dream and he was able to successfully carry out what needed to be done. As a leader, I declare onto you that by the Spirit of God, you will divinely know things and what to do about them and you will be able to do what you have to do successfully.

When Saul was anointing as the king of Israel, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and he was turned into another man, (1 Samuel 10:6-12). He began to prophecy. By the Spirit of God, you will be empowered and transformed into the kind of person you need to be to succeed in the area of leadership that you have been called into.

When the Tabernacle need to be built in the wilderness, God chose Bezaleel and filled him with His Spirit. By the Spirit of God, Bezaleel had great wisdom, ability and expertise in all kinds of crafts (technical skills, acts and expertise), (Exo.31:1-5, NLT). God also have him and Oholiab the ability to teach their skills to others, (Exo.35:34-35, NLT). The Spirit of God will divinely equip you with the skills you need to build that organization, family, business, career, ministry, society and nation. You will become a renowned leader in your field and you will be able to teach and raise many leaders under you. By the Spirit of God, you will honour God and treat people with fairness and justice. Today, the Spirit of God is coming upon all our leaders as a nation and He is enabling them to know and do what is right by the power of God.

Heavenly Father, I ask by the anointing of your Spirit, I will do great exploits as a leader. I pray the same for every leader of our nation also.

Jeremiah 12:1-14:10, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8, Psalm 79:1-13, Proverbs 24:30-34

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