Topic: YOU WILL STAND OUT AND FLOURISH  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 26 November 2021 -

Topic: YOU WILL STAND OUT AND FLOURISH  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 26 November 2021

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Psalm 92:12-14 (TPT), Psalms 1:3 (TPT) Yes! Look how you’ve made all your lovers to flourish like palm trees, each one growing in victory, standing with strength! You’ve transplanted them into your heavenly courtyard, where they are thriving before you. For in your presence they will still overflow and be anointed. Even in their old age they will stay fresh, bearing luscious fruit and abiding faithfully.*He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of his life….

Also Read: Open Heaven 26 November 2021 – Topic: THE BLESSING OF FORGIVENESS

One of the most amazing things about a palm tree is how long it can survive and keep bearing fruits. There are some species of palm trees that can survive for up to 100 years. Another interesting thing about palm trees is that they can survive in harsh climates. The palm tree is also one of the most resourceful and valuable trees as every single part of the tree can be used to create various products.

As a child of God, God has destined your life to flourish just like the palm tree. God is your source and your sustainer, therefore you can never run out of resources and nourishment. You are planted in God therefore you cannot be plucked out or uprooted by anything or anyone. Your roots are deep inside the soil of God’s love. As the love of Christ fills your heart, the fullness of God fills your life, (Eph.3:19). Jesus said He is the vine and we are the branches, (John 15:5). This means that our lives produce the fruit that tell the type of plant or tree Jesus is. God has chosen you and positioned you to showcase His glory. This is why He will continue to sustain you and cause you to flourish. Your life will attract men and women to know God and serve Him.

No wind or storm shall be able to break or limit you. You have divine staying power. With long life, God will satisfy you and He will show you His salvation, (Psa. 91:16). Even at old age, you will still be bearing fruits and making impact. God will satisfy your mouth with good things so that your youth will be renewed like the eagles, (Psa. 103:5). As you wait upon God, He will keep renewing your strength. You shall live to declare the works and the glory of God, (Psa. 118:17) and you shall see the goodness of God in the land of the living, (Psa. 27:13).

Faith Declaration:
Because I am planted in God, I stand out and I flourish in all areas of my life. God is my source and sustainer.

Daniel 2:24-3:30, 1 Peter 4:7-5:14, Psalm 119:81-96, Proverbs 28:15-16

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