Topic: “YOUNG PEOPLE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 28 July 2020

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READ: 1 Timothy 4:12-16

Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” – 1 Timothy 4:13

Young people are particularly useful to God because they will have enough time to begin and complete God’s commandments for their lives. True ministry often takes up your whole life. Young people are able to do so much more for God because they start out early.

Here are ways for young people to develop confidence as they work for God.

1. Young people can gain confidence by reading a lot. Knowledge comes by reading.

2. Young people can develop confidence by listening to CDs and watching videos.

3. Young people can become wise by studying history. They can gain all the experiential knowledge by studying history. Older people who do not study history can be equally limited because their personal experiences are always limited.

4. Young people can develop confidence by praying for wisdom.

5. Young people can develop confidence by learning from older experienced fathers.

6. Young people can develop confidence by surrounding themselves with wise counsellors.

7. Young people can develop confidence from the mistakes of the people just ahead of them. The mistakes of someone just ahead of you reveals the location of pitfalls. They will show you what to avoid in future.

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