Topic:  Your Dwelling Place - Daily Treasure devotionals - 20 June   2022 -

Topic:  Your Dwelling Place – Daily Treasure devotionals – 20 June   2022

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Your Dwelling Place

Sharon W. Betters


Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

When you are hurting, to whom do you want to turn? Someone ahead of you on a similar pathway. But not just anyone ahead of you. You want to hear from the one who has found purpose and joy in a similar life crisis. This is one reason Psalm 84 is so special to me. The Sons of Korah understood grief, sin, disappointment, and shame. But they also knew the joy of finding freedom, trust, and experiencing intimacy with their God. They call back to fellow travelers, “God is sovereign, and you can trust Him.”

The writer of Psalm 84 starts by exclaiming:

How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God (Psalm 84:1,2).

In the Old Testament, God “lived” in the Temple, a building in Jerusalem. There God’s Shekinah glory, the same glory that led the Israelites through the wilderness, filled the building. No Israelite could enter the holy of holies except for the high priest, and then he could only go there once a year and only with the practice of detailed God-given instructions or rituals.

The Sons of Korah experienced the magnificence of being witness to the work of the priests, and so when they served in the Temple, the whole of their being entered into the sacred truths represented by the sacrifices. When the Israelites worshiped, they understood something supernatural happened behind the curtain, and the glory of God flowed into their hearts as well. They experienced God’s presence in a way that they could not in their daily tasks. Yet, they took this experience and truth with them back into their hometowns. The Psalmist revels in not only the joy of being in God’s Temple but the advantages of those who know and love the Lord of Hosts, the living God. 

But what about us? Where is the dwelling place of God today? In Today’s Treasure, Paul answers this question. If we know and love Jesus and have experienced forgiveness of our sin, our bodies are the “temples” of the Holy Spirit. Through His Spirit, God lives in every believer. We can read the Psalms and apply each of the benefits of the living God to ourselves because God has made Himself at home in our bodies.

You may claim Jesus as Savior, but you do not long for His presence. You do not long to be with His church, His people. First, you need to be sure you really do belong to Him. Ask a trusted believing friend to help you determine your standing in faith. There is no shame in admitting you really do not know Him, even if you are a Bible study teacher or attend church every week. Don’t allow embarrassment to keep you from experiencing the joy described in Psalm 84.


Though I would never want to go back to the months and even years following the death of our son Mark, I experienced this kind of crying out for more of the Lord. We call it ugly crying today, and though at first, I didn’t delight in singing for joy to the living God, in time, God’s Word grew my faith and gently pulled me into the tender heart of my loving Father.

Oh, friends, what are we missing when we do not take time to revel in the grace of God’s forgiveness of our sins when we forget to remember the Lord is the source of all of our blessings, past, present, and future? What guilt do we hold on to because we think the way to experience more of Jesus is to do, do, do, instead of soaking in the finished work of redemption?

Also Read:  Open Heaven 20 June  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye –Topic: FATHER, WHERE ARE YOU? II 

Are you sad? Choose worship of the living God, even if your words are filled with anguish.

Are you carrying guilt from your sin? Choose repentance and worship that flows from forgiveness, especially if repentance pulls tears down your cheeks.

Are you overwhelmed with life and all of your to-do lists? Take time to revel in the goodness of our Lord, listing blessings from His hands and listening for His guidance on how to proceed.

Are you feeling disconnected, lonely, or isolated? Run to Jesus and remember He has not forgotten you. Worship Him for His presence and goodness.

With the sons of Korah, let us cry out with all our heart, soul, and mind and experience Jesus transforming our needs into joy because of our personal relationship with the living God.


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