Topic:  Your Gates Are Open – Streams Of Joy International Daily Devotional By Pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze 17 October 2021 

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Your Gates Are Open

17th October 2021

Scripture Reading: Joshua 5: 13-15, 6: 1-6


“The gates of Jericho were kept shut and guarded to keep the Israelites out. No one could enter or leave the city.” (Joshua 6: 1 GNB)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the gates of Jericho were kept shut in order to keep the Israelites out. A gate was locked to ensure that God’s people did not possess their possession. Gates were locked to ensure that the people of God did not receive that which God wanted them to receive and possess. The people in Jericho seemed to know that the city had been given to the children of Israel, and they locked the gates.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every gate that has been locked against you to stop you from receiving your portion, I command it to open by fire. Every gate that has been locked against your advancement, I command it to open now. Every gate locked against you to deny you of your elevation, I command it to open by fire. Every gate locked against you to deny you of your next level, I command it to open by fire.

There were men in Jericho who knew that God had given Jericho to the children of Israel, but rather than give up Jericho willingly, they locked the gates. If there be any man that has vowed to stop you from entering your ‘Jericho’, I command them to go down now. If there be any enemy that has seen your portion but vowed that you will never have it, I command them to go down. Every strong man that has locked the gates of your next level, I command them to go down now.

Today, I decree, your doors are open. Your gates are open. The gates of your increase are open; the gates of your next level are open; the gates of your rising are open; the gates of your financial abundance are open; the gates of divine help are open to you; the gates of your celebrations and congratulations are open; the gates of your good news are open; the gates of more than enough are open to you. All doors and gates are open.

God has set before you an open door; and as God opens your doors, no man can shut them.


All doors and gates are open; no man can shut my doors, in Jesus’ name!

Memory Verse

“I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” (Revelations 3: 8)

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Further Reading

  • Revelations 3

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