Topic:   YOUR LIFE COMPANION 9 November 2021 By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel]

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-Psalms 119:105-

It’s amazing how some people read the Bible daily, but when confronted with a “little” trial, they forget everything they have seen in the Word and begin to panic. Some people even blame God and in the process, become offended in Him. Most times, such people can recite so many of God’s promises in the Bible, but cannot actually relate it to their situation. As a result, they get stuck with needless worries and fears in life that make them doubt the reality of God.

There is this profound statement from Mrs. John Wesley. She said: “There are two things to do with the Bible; believe it and behave it.” The Bible is not a novel, a compendium of historic events or a tool to while away time. It is not a Book you read to feel good, neither should you study the Word because you would be quizzed if you don’t. The Bible is your Guide, and one way to benefit from a guide is to believe and act by every direction it gives you.

Also Read: Open Heaven 9 November 2021 –Topic: WE OWE GOD GRATITUDE 

The real reason why people, even Christians, get stuck in life is because they’ve not embraced the reality of Scriptures. They obviously know the letters and can say them by heart, but they deny or doubt the power therein (2 Timothy 3:5). Everything contained in the Bible pertains to you and every promise of God contained therein is “fulfil-able”, if only you would believe and behave the Word.

A special Word will not be sent to you to calm that storm; it is only as written in the Bible. Therefore, you need to earnestly hold fast to the truth that you know and align yourself with it. Do not let situations sway you from what God has said concerning you. Hold fast to the Word, bind it upon your heart and let it define who, where and what you are. You are precious in God’s eyes and so is that “Companion” in your heart.

Remain Blessed!

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