Topic: Your Shield of Faith [Joyce Meyer Devotional 4 February 2021]

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Lift up over all the [covering] shield of saving faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked [one].— Ephesians 6:16 (AMPC)

In years past, soldiers protected themselves with shields, and in Ephesians 6:16, the Bible introduces us to the armor of God, and specifically “the shield of faith.” Since shields provide protection, faith must be a way to protect ourselves when the enemy attacks. We’re so grateful that God has given us a defense system; however, just like with an actual shield, His shield is only effective when we raise it up. It won’t help us if it’s on the ground or by our side.

When the enemy attacks us with frustrating circumstances or thoughts that cause us to feel afraid, we should immediately lift up the shield of faith. The way we do that is by deciding that to trust God instead of trying to figure out our own way to solve the problem.

It’s helpful to say out loud, “I trust God in this situation!” Say it as firmly as you can, with conviction. Jesus fought Satan’s lies by quoting the truth of Scripture (see Luke 4), and we can do the same to lift up our shield of faith.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You that Your Word is a powerful shield. Teach me how to use it effectively against everything the enemy tries to throw my way. Help me keep my faith solidly built on Your Word and Your promises for my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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