Topic: Your Time Is Coming [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 9 May 2021]

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Today’s Scripture

Zechariah 4:10, NLT”Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…”

Today’s Word

My parents started Lakewood on Mother’s Day in 1959 with ninety people in an old run-down feedstore. They cleaned out the building and borrowed some old wooden pews. It didn’t look like much. But the Scripture says to not despise the day of small beginnings. When I realize how God has taken us further than we can imagine, I am amazed and thankful.

Don’t get discouraged because where you are is much smaller than what’s in your spirit. My father knew he was going to pastor a church of thousands, but you have to be faithful with the small before God will trust you with more. That’s a time of testing, a time of proving. Are you going to slack off and think, “When it grows, I’ll give it my all? When I get some breaks, I’ll be my best”? You have to be your best right where you are. God is watching. He knows when you’re in a feedstore and others are in nice buildings. Stay faithful. Your time is coming.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You rejoice to see me use what You have given me, and You will bless it as I trust in You. Thank You that a run-down feedstore can lead to more than one can imagine. I will be faithful with my small beginnings and look forward to increase. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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