Topic:   YOUR WORD SPEAKS YOUR HEART 19 October 2021 By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel]

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“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.”

-1 PETER 3:7-

Respect is not meant for men alone, your wife also needs some level of respect from you. This has nothing to do with placing titles before her name but it entails how she is addressed when you are alone and before others. The tone and manner you address your spouse determine the level of respect you have for her. In fact, being good and gracious to your wife in the presence of others and doing the exact opposite in their absence is called eye service; and that is a high level of disrespect.

So many men are guilty of speaking ill about their wives, especially when they are in the midst of family and friends. At times, it is a way of gaining sympathy from them, which unknown to them sells their family out. At that instance, you might gain the sympathy you crave, but the outcome is that your spouse loses respect in the face of these people. This also easily makes you a target and object of mockery, and you may then also lose personal respect amongst these people.

Your best option is therefore to communicate with your spouse, commit him or her in prayers, constantly seek their good, and at all times, speak words of edification. It is better for others to see your spouse as the best and envy you, than for you to be used as a case of pity. If he or she is honoured, you would be honoured also.

So, it is time to honour your spouse in your conduct and conversation, to and about him. If you are with a friend of yours, having a conversation in the corner and laughing, can your husband be certain you aren’t laughing at him? If you can’t make him feel secure in you and your relationship, how successful do you think you two can be? Honouring him is honouring God and when God’s honoured, He blesses.

Remain Blessed!

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