Topic:HEAR AND TAKE NOTE OF THIS TRUTH – – 25 March  2022

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Dearly beloved, I’m writing because there is a purpose or a cause, but I thank God, it’s for the sake of you Knowing the truth. From what a man confronted me with after hearing me preached against manmade money tithe on Wednesday this week. The man said I’m lying and he can’t believe me that God is not the author of it. Hear his story of what he told me; he said, “I was paying this money tithe, and when I stopped paying it, things started going bad for me. Four pastors told on different occasions that I’m not paying tithe and I should go back to paying tithe, and I have gone back, now I have peace.” And below are the answers and questions I also asked him.


  1. Believe is what you hold and conviction about your belief is what holds you. Proverbs 23:7 said, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” This is the truth many Christians don’t know why they are getting results for doing ungodly and unbiblical things. A Pastor said, “If I don’t pay my tithe, I can’t cross the road without trembling.” I laugh, because that’s what they called bondage. God never put anybody in such darkness, Satan put people in bondage because of their ignorance of the truth.
  2. That fact that 98% people hold a belief of something not biblical but man-made precept, doesn’t make such thing the truth. The truth is only accepted and preached by very few people. I told him of 450 false prophets who told king Ahab to go to war that he will succeed against only one prophet Micaiah who said, he won’t return but will die in the battle (See 2Chronicles 18:12-34). Micaiah was put in prison because of telling the truth, Ahab never returned but died because the truth is God’s Word and can never lie.
  3. God redeemed only 8 people from the world in the days of Noah, four from Sodom and Gomorrah, because these have connections with the truth, which others do not know or have. Followers of multitudes using them and their opinions or choice to accept or reject a thing, will end all such people in eternal damnation. Broad is the way that leads to destruction and there be many in this road (See Matthew 7:13)


  1. Since you started paying it again, have you been richer than what you were before things started going bad? He said no, that he only now has peace of mind.
  2. Where in the New Testament is it stated we must pay tithe or get afflicted. He laughed, and said, I don’t know, but I haven’t seen such verse.
  3. Why then do your not paying man-made money tithe now brought trouble upon you, when there’s no place God said so? He said, I don’t know, and he was laughing.
  4. What then makes you believed that God is the one responsible for the failure you experience when you stopped tithing before? He said the peace he gain back, is why he believed God was. I told him this, a friend of mine, went to a church having #220 in his pocket and proposed he is going to use #20 for offering. When offering time came, the pastor said, nobody should dropped#20, but bigger one if they want God to bless them. He said, the pastor uncanny emphasis was so strong that the facial expressions of many people showed depression and he was even troubled having no peace. But many people started giving more than they purpose to please the pastor, and he put his hand into his pocket and pay offering with#200, and after paying, he then have peace.

See, when my friend told me about that event, I told him, “That peace is not from God, it’s a result of the pastor uncanny emphasis laid on paying fat offering which you never purposed, but his insistence on giving fat offering brings you trouble, which only paying it will relieve you from.” Many christians are in this bondage worldwide. You don’t force anybody to seek for good things that will benefits him or her. Satan uses force and fear to make people do his lusts. And that’s exactly what all pastors collecting this man-made money tithe always do. It is classic witchcraft.

  1. Why have all none tithe payers suffering failure and setback as you experienced, if truly it’s a must from God that we pay it? He said, I don’t know. And I told him, not until you have study seriously the Word of God and Jesus Christ open your spiritual eyes, pastors will mislead you into the pit of hell why you will thinking you are going to heaven. No good thing is forced on anybody nor emphasize on like pastors uncanny emphasis on man-made money tithe.

Note: Stop living in assumptions, presumptions, and suppositions, about people, things and God’s Word. I told someone yesterday, I don’t talk to people about what I don’t know or have deeper understanding of. I have boldness and confidence wherever I am preaching and people have told me about it. And the reason is because God himself showed me and told me everything I am preaching. Let me tell you my beloved, your paying of man-made money tithe of money is your choice not mine, neither am I forcing you to pay or not. One thing I’m doing is telling people the truth, that’s the cup of tea Jesus Christ gave me to drink. If you like misinterpret what I write or say, I have no fear, I am ready to defend the truth that made me free and filled my life. Shalom!


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