TOPIC: ONE ACCORD AND ONE MIND – TREM Daily Devotional 25 May 2019 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo [The RedeemedEvangelical Mission]
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“Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.”Philippians 2:2 (KJV) One of the things that we must imbibe and settle in our spirit man is that we are one family. This bears repetition; we are all members of one family. In fact, we are members of one Body. We all make up the Body of Christ. So, we cannot allow any form of malice, envy or jealousy to thrive amongst us. The offence would always come, but learn to give the benefit of the doubt, ask questions, seek clarification, do not get into assumptions. Your assumption may just be wrong.
I once read a story of two ladies who were best friends, but shortly after the marriage of the first one, they lost touch. The married one was so upset and blamed her friend for being jealous because she called severally, and her calls were neither picked nor returned. Then she had twins and posted it all over the social media and yet her friend did not contact her. So, she blacklisted her friend and accused her of jealousy; until one day, her mum came around and prevailed on her to reach out to her friend one more time. She obliged; this time the friend’s mum picked, excitedly gave the phone to the daughter whose voice was so frail. Guess what? The lady was diagnosed with cancer of the eye had attempted surgery and lost both eyes and all this happened a few weeks after the friend’s wedding. So, while the married friend was complaining of her calls being ignored, the friend was battling for her life. When she was complaining of her posts on the social media being ignored, the friend was blind. Of course, the lady broke down in tears, apologising profusely for the sin of presumption.
Before you judge her, are you not like that? The things you hold against your brother or sister, have you asked questions? Beloved, let us strive to walk together in unity. Do not give room for offences. Let us be like-minded, having the same love and being of one accord and one mind. Further Reading: Philippians 2:1-4Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Chronicles 25-27; Evening- John 9:1-23 |
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