TOPIC: YOU HAVE AN ASSURANCE – TREM Daily Devotional 27 May 2019 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo [The RedeemedEvangelical Mission]
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“And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD, and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Isaiah 54:13 (KJV) One of the things that create great concern for parents, particularly young parents and grandparents is how the children will turn out when they leave home. The level of peer pressure is mind-boggling. Children at a very tender age are exposed to a level of vices that we never conceived when we were growing up. On a daily basis, the minds of children are bombarded with negative vibes from the media. The good news is that God has gone ahead of us. Like I always say, the God you serve does not react. He is not a step ahead of the devil. He is light years ahead. The devil is His creation and there is nothing he can do to outwit God.
Thousands of years ago, God, speaking through Prophet Isaiah said: “All thy children shall be taught of the LORD …” How comforting? When God takes on the task of training your children, what better teacher can they ever have? I encourage every parent, grandparent or parent to be to constantly commit the children to Him who has promised to train them and watch them turn out proper, well-brought-up children that you will be proud of. However, this does not absolve you of your responsibility. You have the responsibility to live right before them. You have the responsibility to show them the way of the Lord. You have the responsibility to pray for them daily. You have the responsibility to declare the Word of God over them daily and be rest assured that God will exceed your expectation.
I pray for you today that your children will bring you joy. They will be worthy ambassadors that you will be proud of. They will excel in every area of life. Amongst their peers, the grace of God will highlight them and make them outstanding. They are the seed of the righteous, they shall be mighty upon the earth. The children that the Lord has given to us are for signs and wonders and so shall it be in Jesus’ name.
Further Reading: Isaiah 54:11-17Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Chronicles 1-3; Evening- John 10:1-23
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